Saturday, January 28, 2012

What I found to be the biggest surprise about cloth diapering...

I found that I love doing diaper laundry! Who would have thought, right? I will say that laundry is my favorite chore, if one could have a favorite chore :p. However, diaper laundry ranks even higher than regular laundry! I think it has to do with the fact that diaper laundry is all of one category. In regular laundry you have multiple items from various sized people, and you have to check sizes, turn things right side out, match socks and then put them away in various rooms. The size thing for our family of 6 can be a little tricky, because several of the boys are close together, you can't just eyeball their clothes as you fold. Diaper laundry, however, is a pleasure to fold. Everything goes together, folds and stacks neatly and is put away together. I also get a sense of deep pleasure in seeing the colors and textures, the money we are saving, and how much better it is for our kids' skin!

The second biggest surprise about cloth diapering is how many choices you have now in the CDing world and how easy it is to make your own <3 ! I want to try each and every diaper made. Just about every diaper company started out as a way to make a better diaper for their baby. So many ideas and different systems, and each one is totally awesome, from the fanciest AIO (all in one is the closest to a disposable) to flats and covers (like what your grandma used)! Not to mention you can design and sew your own ideal diaper from items found in your closet and free patterns online. You can be frugal or incredibly lavish when buying or making cloth diapers. I will say, I do have my favorites and they are all for different reasons. I love pockets diapers for quick changes, plus you can stuff them with whatever you wish! I love flats for camping and hand washing; they wash clean and dry fast. I love fitteds for keeping blow-outs in even when going cover-less. Finally, I really like wool covers for breath-ability. If  you pair a fitted with a wool cover you have an all natural fiber diapering system!

Funnily enough, the wool with fitted diapers can be the cheapest or most expensive system LOL. If you sew or knit or know someone who sews/knits, you can find free patterns online for wool soakers and fitted diapers. You can dig around in your closets for old tee-shirts or nice wool sweaters, or go second hand shopping and pick up a few used. I made 2 small cashmere longies and 2 small soakers, from 1 extra large sweater I bought for $4.00. They are soo soft and luxurious! Or you can buy wool soakers ready to use from various sites with bamboo fitteds and spend at least $20 for a fitted and $30 for a cover. I am currently making fitteds and wool covers for the newborn stage as I started with prefolds originally and totally want to do fitteds the next time around!